Netheos infographic

What is the real impact of identity fraud on your business?

💡 Discover the quantified consequences of identity fraud on your business, the new techniques of fraudsters in 2024, the risks involved and the solutions to counter them.

👨‍💻 Banking, insurance, fintech and trust services players: download our free infographic.

Companies that can't afford to cut corners
on safety have joined us!

Secure identity verification with ÂŽFacematch

Netheos’ proprietary ®Facematch facial recognition solution brings an extra level of security to identity verification!

Solutions exist to combat identity fraud

Netheos solutions are tailored to your needs.

Netheos ID+

Eliminate the risk of identity theft with our ÂŽFacematch Photo facial recognition technology! The fully-guided path gives you a very high conversion rate, with an average completion time of 48 seconds.

Facematch: Photo

Usage: ID document verification with facial recognition

Compliance requirements :
 2.5/5
Speed :
 3.7/5

Netheos ID FAST

Fight identity theft and benefit from the highest conversion rate thanks to our identity verification solution offering the best user experience on the market, in less than 40 seconds.

Facematch: Video

Usage: eIDAS-certified Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) pathway

Compliance requirements :
 4.5/5
Speed :
 4.5/5

Netheos ID MAX

Verify remote identity with our ANSSI-certified PVID course. Thealliance of AI and human, available 24/7 and based in France, with an end-to-end journey in less than 2 minutes and operator response in less than 5 minutes.

Facematch: MAX (Video + challenge)

Usage: PVID-certified by ANSSI, 100% compliant with its standards

Compliance requirements :
 5/5
Speed :
 2.5/5

Interested? Contact our solution experts

One of our solution experts will be able to answer all your questions. And if you wish, he or she can also show you how our solutions can help you maximize your conversion rates and secure your customer journeys through a personalized demo.

They tell us how Netheos has helped them grow.

“Netheos has improved our transformation rate throughout the entire process. Above all, it has significantly shortened transformation times. And clearly, very significantly, improved return rates. “


Executive Vice-President
Floa Bank (Banque Casino)

“Thanks to our partnership with Netheos, customers can take out a loan entirely online. We are continuing to deploy the solution in our various routes for functions that are increasingly in demand, such as anti-fraud. “


Project Manager

“Netheos offers a low-code subscription path for the integrator that will enable us to accept today and tomorrow all the new technologies needed to achieve the finest user experience.”


CNP Assurances

Download our free infographic

In this infographic, you can discover :

  • The real impact of identity fraud on businesses
  • New fraud techniques used in 2024
  • The risks you run when your identity verification solutions aren’t effective enough
  • Existing solutions to combat fraud once and for all