
Les Atelier du DSF #2 | How and to what extent can I automate the verification of my customer credentials using machine learning?

Netheos is pleased to invite you to the second DSF Workshop to discuss the automation of verification of customer credentials (identity, income, residence, etc.). This rather tedious and time-consuming stage of customer “onboarding” involves above all an asynchronous customer experience, typically when final acceptance of the application requires a human processing time. AI, and machine learning in particular, is changing the game by enabling real-time feedback to customers and instant decision-making (anti-fraud, regulatory obligations, etc.).



– Welcome and breakfast

– The challenges of automatic verification of customer receipts by Olivier Détour, CEO

– How Artificial Intelligence automates and secures document verification by Florent D’halluin, Data Scientist

– Putting it into practice

– Questions & Answers

– Café closing

The DSF workshops are events dedicated to banking and insurance professionals for whom digital underwriting is at the heart of their strategy. They combine regulatory and technological aspects with a customer-oriented product dimension.

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Digital marketing manager | As part of the Netheos Marketing team, I'm using this blog to share all the latest company news with you.
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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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