Netheos News

Netheos makes confined life easier with secure remote subscription

Thanks to Netheos’ solutions, opening an account or subscribing to a life insurance remotely is within everyone’s reach.


Who are we?

Netheos, French pioneer in remote subscription


In a health context that accelerates the dematerialization of exchanges, identity verification and remote electronic signature are no longer simple instruments for simplifying administrative life, but an absolute necessity. To open a bank account or take out life insurance, to sign a provisional sale agreement or a lease, and many other legally regulated uses that make up our daily lives.


Created in 2004 in Montpellier, Netheos has developed a turnkey service that allows its customers (financial institutions, insurers, social landlords, etc.) to simplify the remote subscription of their offer, in complete security.


Acquiring a new customer is never easy, especially when the business relationship is done remotely. With Trust and Signthe signatory identification and document verification (« KYC« » are integrated into the remote subscription process. Adaptable to users’ needs, this system can be integrated via an API and also allows for reminder, personalization and loyalty actions that were not previously possible.


In order to help its customers comply with their regulatory obligations and to reduce the risks related to identity theft, Netheos has also developed a Facematch solution to automatically check the authenticity of the supporting documents provided by the end customer when setting up his file. A technological advance made possible by machine learning, which eliminates paper while improving the operational efficiency of processes.


Rooted since its creation in Montpellier, Netheos is prospering, recruiting and planning to expand abroad from its Languedoc cradle.



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Picture of Adrien


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