Netheos News

Netheos receives the “Insurance” label from Finance Innovation

On June 27, 2018, during the Fin&Tech Community, Netheos was awarded the insurance label by Finance Innovation.

Finance Innovation is one of the global competitiveness clusters of general interest created by the French government. Its objective is to support its members in conducting innovative projects for the competitiveness of the French financial industry and the creation of jobs.

Netheos had already obtained the “bank” label thanks to its Trust & Sign solution in 2014. The aim of this project is to support highly regulated organizations in their digitalized underwriting strategy, reconciling KYC and user experience. During the same year, Banque Casino chose Netheos to radically transform its underwriting process and obtain 90% of its applications online (as opposed to paper-based).

Obtaining this new insurance label is a definitive demonstration of Netheos’ desire to offer a global solution to all players in the banking and insurance market. Our historical partner CNP Assurances illustrates this ambition.

The best is yet to come 💪🏼 !

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Picture of Fabien


Chief Marketing Officer | Head Of Marketing @ Netheos, a Namirial Product 🆔 | Growth Marketing specialist | Inbound Marketing lover | AARRR enthusiast | Dad
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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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