Electronic signature

Netheos Sign

The electronic signature solution with the highest availability

Choose from 3 levels of eIDAS-certified electronic signatures (simple, advanced and qualified), all available on a single platform.


These companies put their trust in us. Join them!

3 eIDAS signatures for 3 levels of security


For a process free of legal and financial risks.

Simple check of
the identity of the signatory.

Electronic signature with SMS OTP


Secure signature for sensitive documents.

Advanced check of
the identity of the signatory.

Electronic signature with SMS OTP

Verification of signatory identity


Legal equivalent of a handwritten signature.

Biometric verification of
the identity of the signatory.

Electronic signature with SMS OTP

Verification of signatory identity

®Facematch FAST

The benefits of Netheos Sign

Contract with your customers remotely

All-support accessibility

From any device, at any time.

Regulatory compliance

Regularly audited eIDAS and GDPR-compliant solutions.

3 signature levels

Simple, advanced or qualified, depending on your needs.

Data stored in the European Union

Total control of our data, hosted in France and Europe.

Proof management

Archiving, time-stamping, evidence files.

4 identity verification solutions

Personalize your route experience.

Do you have any questions?

Talk to one of our solution experts and find out how Netheos can help you sign documents.

Simply sign your documents in just a few clicks!

Our electronic signature solutions are accessible via all media (computers, mobiles, tablets).

  1. Prepare the contract

    Designate the signatories and choose the location for the signatures.

  2. Sign and get signed

    Anytime, anywhere, from your web browser.

  3. Manage your documents

    Store contracts and evidence files.

Dematerialize your sales processes

Accelerate your sales

Simplify contract signature procedures. Whether they require one or more signatories.

Improve customer satisfaction

Offer your customers a quick and easy signing experience. Reduce abandonment rates.

Contract with confidence

Effectively verify the identity of remote signatories. Save yourself the risk of usurpation and fraud.

Secure your underwriting processes

Ensure data integrity by guaranteeing the authenticity and identity of signatories. Benefit from legal protection in the event of a dispute

Would you like to find out more?

Make an appointment with our team to find out how Netheos solutions can save you time in your signing process?

They tell us how Netheos has helped them grow.

“Netheos has improved our transformation rate throughout the entire process. Above all, it has significantly shortened transformation times. And clearly, very significantly, improved return rates. “


Executive Vice-President - Floa Bank (Banque Casino)

“Netheos offers a low-code subscription path for the integrator that will enable us to accept today and tomorrow all the new technologies needed to achieve the finest user experience.”


CISO - CNP Assurances


Project Manager - Franfinance


No. Only qualified electronic signatures are recognized as the legal equivalent of handwritten signatures under the eIDAS regulation.

An electronic certificate is a file that attests to the identity of an online entity, guaranteeing the authenticity and integrity of data. It is issued by Certification Authorities. Netheos and Namirial are authorized to issue electronic certificates for electronic signatures.

Timestamping is a mechanism for associating date and time with an event. To guarantee the integrity of evidence, we offer timestamping, which enables data to be traced and guaranteed.

In the event of a signature being contested, the evidence file containing the proof generated by the signature and the signatory’s biometric data can be presented in court. In the case of a qualified signature, the burden of proof is reversed, and it is up to the claimant to demonstrate the potential invalidity of the signature.

Yes. The Netheos electronic signature can be integrated into any website, application or software. Our documented APIs enable rapid integration and deployment of our solution in your systems.

Contact us!

Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

You can discover :

  • How we can meet your specific needs and expectations
  • A personalized demo, allowing you to appreciate the fluid experience we offer
  • Customer feedback and case studies of similar companies that have integrated our solutions
  • Advantages, benefits and value according to your use case